Friday 9 September 2011

It is Well

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is so hard to get to the point where one can actually say it is well with my soul and mean it.Many sing these words along in funerals crying at the same time but most of the time we are usually wishing all was well but yet it isnt. When death knocks at a neighbours door or a friend its easy to say R.I.P but when it knocks on your door,so close to your heart you tend to say those words with feeling and meaning.

Isnt it cruel watching the person you cherished most in life,loved dearly more that anything,had good times and bad too lying there in a coffin.It breaks the heart,it hurts so so much that there is no painkiller on earth for that kind of pain.I just dont get it how in one hospital ward a lady gives forth life yet in another ward a life is taken.

Why couldn't everybody just live on earth? Why couldn't God just do away with death? I have never ever come to see the good that comes out of death other than pain and an empty void. A big gap in life,people sitting around the dining table and it is so obvious there is an empty chair,the family portrait gets smaller,an empty bed in the room,another grave,broken heatrs and unfulfilled dreams.

I have come face to face with this pain,after many years of healing from my first close death experience,it all came back. A close friend,someone we talked about everyday with my bestfriend,he meant everything in her life.He was so humble,so loving i can still remember his walk and smiles,how my pal!/Charovilleused to light up whenever she talked about him,talk to him or met him on the way.It is so hard to accept the death of such a young vibrant life.For a moment i imagined myself dead,maybe a facebook page would be created In Memory of Me,those who loved me would cry,I might remind people on earth that no one lives forever just like what i was reminded few days ago.!/pages/RIP-Dan-Mwirotsi/186693834732589

As i heard from a sermon we are passengers travelling and everyone alights at some point  you know.When it is your time to alight you just have to i mean it is your destination right? From these sermon and from Mbuvi's song "Sweet Ndwale" I am comforted and now understand that losing people not just in death is part of God's plan.While they were alive they played a major role in our lives but that gap can only be filled by God,only Him can give us that peace and fill that emptiness.God has the bigger picture in life,we can never understand all we can do is trust him and stretch out our hands to Him,to be held and comforted. Something else we can do is is strive to make our lives right with God so that when they say Rest In Peace one actuallly resta in peace because his heart was right with God.

For all those who have left us,those who touched our hearts,they still live in our hearts and will forever be her just in another state may you Rest In Peace.I say this wih affirmation because i am at Peace.