Friday 9 March 2012

Why You Need That Me-Time

Someone once said " You can only be happy when you are alone and you love the person you are alone with”
With phones all over the place and the internet just a button away, television screens in every office, waiting rooms and matatus it’s rather hard to get time to just be with you. Normally you are woken up by a noisy alarm, once out of bed you either  turn on the radio ‘ I am a slave to that ’ or turn on the T.V. Heading to the office or school if you do not have earphones on, you are definitely listening to the radio or staring at a screen on the bus/matatu. Ever thought what would happen when you wake up one day and you are the only human being in this entire world? Sounds crazy? I bet it does but it’s possible in one’s mind though.
 What is the worst that can happen if you switch off your phone for a whole week or maybe a day? Don’t log into Facebook or tweet about your thoughts and experiences. I think life will go on as usual though I am not about to subject myself to all that. All I am driving at is the importance of having some me-time.
Putting a bit of solitude into your life is essential to your health and happiness; this is the time I refer to as me-time. It is the only time you look back on your failures, plan and then strategize on how to forge ahead. You get to learn about you by having your own company and undivided attention. Being with other people for long periods of time, no matter how loving, wonderful and interesting they are, they maybe interfering with one’s bio psychological rhythm.
This time usually comes natural for some; babies stare into space, teenagers say ‘leave me alone’ and monks meditate but for others it is a scare just to be alone. I belonged to the latter group until a while ago when I realized the benefits me-time has. Me-time transforms to time with God, time to be peaceful considering you have shut out everyone. Being alone allows one to exercise their imaginations and creativity resources. According to one author (Karasu), being alone puts individuals in touch with their deepest feelings and allows time for previously unrelated thoughts, feelings to interact and regroup themselves into new formations and combination.
If you have no idea how to create this time or enjoy it, here is how to;
  •  Take a walk alone in a park, nature has a way of refreshing the mind. While walking, if you have a thing for photography, carry a camera along you never know when you will get the perfect shot.
  • You can just sit own in a room and do nothing, allowing your mind to wander.
  • Take a noise break from all the machines; turn off all the computers, radio, T.V, wall clock, fridge and phone.
  • For those who love stargazing,do that and enjoy the breeze.
  • Soak yourself in a tub and let your thoughts go.

  • You can also plan a getaway. Waking up just early enough to get a glimpse of the sunrise, the birds chirping, and feel so peaceful with no expectations or deadlines to beat, but an entire day to spend with that amazing person, you.

Now you know what you need to do whenever you feel like not doing anything as Bruno Mars sings in his Lazy song or when next you experience a burn out.

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